Just your casual emo boy

Race: Elezen
Age: 28
Profession: Conjurer/Healer
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demi Pan Ace
Relationship status: Taken
Pronouns: He/They
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Light Gray
Hair color: Changes often.
Height: 6'10
Tattoos: 3
Scars/Birthmarks: Multiple all on his right arm under his tattoos
Accessories: Multiple piercings, well over 10
Biggest fault: Doesn't consider others feelings until after he upsets them.



Born and raised in Gridania, he lived a pretty normal life nothing extremely bad has happened but it didn't stop him from feeling different. As a teen he noticed he lacked the ability to feel pain. He realized this through a small fight with someone who was stealing from a shop. The man retorted by stabbing him but Beau felt nothing as he bled profusely.
After that incident, he found himself wanting feel pain to see what everyone else feels. He started with small cuts in unnoticeable areas to big wounds where people started to notice. He would constantly use his healing magic to attempt to cover up what he was doing. People started to gossip about him and judge him for what he did without even questioning why. All the judging eyes sent Beau into a spiral, hurting himself more, choking back tears as he did it desperately praying to the Gods to let him feel something. None answered his prayers causing him to feel like a shallow husk going through the motions.
After this night he decided he could never be normal and had to find a way to cope with how he was. He cured the last of his wounds and gave up. He showed little to no emotions from that point onward. It felt like too much of a hassle to keep trying to be something he's not. After living like this for many years, he grew accustomed to not feeling anything. He watched as loved ones and friends were lost over the years but didn't actually feel any kind of grief. When his father passed his mother called him a disgusting monster for not showing any emotions. Beau gave up on trying to prove that he cares for others from that point on. It finally gave him the courage to get out and travel on his own. He packed a bag, left Gridania, and head out on a journey of self acceptance without saying a single goodbye.
The journey started out rough people were so quick to judge him based on his looks. His long hair and scars didn't help. He came to the conclusion he needed to redefine himself. He found someone willing to help him try to cover the noticeable scars on his arm. He immediately gave him all the gil he had and used this as his step forward in life.
Once he covered up the scars with a tattoo he looked at himself in the mirror surprised at how different he looked. Beau tied up his long hair and starred into the mirror. Suddenly, tears fell from his eyes all his years of torment he put on himself started to weigh on his heart. He felt relief for the first time ever. He actually did feel emotions just didn't know how to express them, he was his biggest enemy and now he feels happy to finally be able to break the cycle.
Beau changed a lot since then, although he still stares as deadpan as ever he's able to share a smile freely.

Hi I'm just a small bean who likes writing stories and creating characters.
I'm 28, I don't ERP don't ask.
I'm here to vibe and make friends, I love reading about other peoples characters so please share them with me!
I like doing art and stuff. @Beauntines
Don't be afraid to message me, cause I know I'll be too afraid to message you.